Biased Thoughts: AEW All Out 2022 & AEW Media Scrum

Diego Garcia
4 min readSep 5, 2022


4 Hours. +9,000 Tickets Sold. September 4th 2022. Around 155k PPV Buys

Eddie Kingston vs Tomohiro Ishii (****1/4) What a match for the preshow and it was what I expected, strong chop exchanges with the perfect selling/no selling that both of these top wrestlers do. Can´t wait for Round 3.

Casino Ladder Match (*) MJF won the match and that´s the only thing that matters.

The Elite vs Hangman Page & The Dark Order for the Trios Championships (****1/2) The Elite are masters of the game. Hangman´s downfall is getting bigger and bigger, struggle is a bitch let alone giving a championship to your enemies in a silver platter.

Jade Cargill vs Athena for the TBS Championship (**3/4) One of the best matches from Cargill and a good showing by Athena. I don´t know who can beat Cargill but hopefully is someone good.

Wardlow & FTR vs Jay Lethal & MCMG (***1/4) they clearly structured the match as a southern tag match but I don´t know why it didn´t get to the next level, all the wrestlers involved work really hard. Great post match.

Ricky Starks vs Powehouse Hobbs (***) The neck of Ricky Starks was the main character of this match and eventhough it was logical that Hobbs wins this match but it needed more time. Still good stuff.

Swerve in our Glory vs The Acclaimed for the AEW World Tag Team Championships (****1/2) This fucking match was great and a starmaking performance from The Acclaimed. Nearfalls, comedic spots and a tremendous sell of the knee by Anthony Bowens.

Toni Storm vs Jamie Hayter vs Britt Baker vs Hikaru Shida for the AEW Interim Women´s World Championship (***1/4) Solid match between this four, the fans clearly wanted to cheer Jamie Hayter and I´ve been thinking that she should be the new main character of the women´s division. Toni Storm as champion is fine, I don´t have more thoughts on that.

Jungleboy Jack Perry vs Christian Cage (No Rating) Now we know why Luchasaurus didn´t changed gear or entrance theme, I expected heated and bloody matches in this one and in Starks vs Hobbs and I guess we will have to wait some more.

Chris Jericho vs Bryan Danielson (***) A really hard hitting match with Jericho cheating to get the win, inmediately going to the reaction of García was a great decision. Really interested in what Garcia´s gonna say about this in the preview of his ROH Pure Championship match vs his main opponent BCC´s Wheeler Yuta.

House Of Black vs Darby Allin, Sting & Miro (***1/4) Another good match but far from Sting´s previous multiman brawls. Fun bit was Sting using mist to defeat Malakai Black.

CM Punk vs Jon Moxley for the AEW World Championship (****1/2) One of the best AEW World Championship matches. A violent fight with the hometown hero winning. The post match was sensational, with MJF´s return, the best feud of the year will now have higher stakes represented in the AEW World Championship.

Rating of the show: 7.5/10

(Here ends the review of the show, if you don´t want to hear anything about my thoughts on the Media Scrum here is where I say thank you for reading and for the support you do in reading this random guy thought´s on pro wrestling)

Media Scrum (CM Punk´s Rant): For sure I didn´t expect this level of shooting from Punk to the other drawing main eventers AEW has, listen wether is a pure shoot (That would be worse) or some type of worked shoot this kind of stuff historycally has never worked and actually actively help to killed promotions.

The hottest periods in wrestling like the Attitude Era or NJPW 2010´s Golden Era were all in a kayfabe, and I know that the Attitude Era has a ton of shit that couldn´t and shouldn´t be televised today but even when the guys hated each other they weren´t shooting publicly after a World Championship match after Summerslam.

Continuing this type of stuff is walking a dangerous line. CM Punk is 43 years old and I don´t know if I take him over other younger talent, specially Hangman Page that was succesfully build to be a main eventer since the inception of the promotion.

Here´s the FULL media scrum:

PD: If I´m getting worked and somehow The Elite and Punk have a money drawing and critically acclaimed feud for months and they used this scrum to start to build it I would be happy to hear it, for now I´m getting kind of nervous about the future of the promotion.



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